A history spanning over 100 years
Rahm’s biscuit factory was founded in 1921. It was then a local bakery in Stockholm with a wide range of different bakery products.
1948 In 1948, the Silvander family became the owners of Rahms Kexfabrik. The company has since remained in the family and is now run by Kenny and Line Eriksson and their daughters. During the 70’s, Rahms scaled down the range from about 40 products, to focus only on the production of croustades. Rahms then had sales to several countries in Europe, except Sweden.
In 2023, 50 million croustades were produced for the Swedish market, both for grocery stores and restaurants, in a process where the craftsmanship is largely the same as a hundred years ago. The tradition lives on and the croustades are still picked by hand in the packaging to ensure that only the finest croustades reach consumers. The original recipe is still basically the same and the croustades contain only natural ingredients, without additives.

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