Code of Conduct for the Rahm biscuit factory
We care!
It goes without saying that we take care of each other, our environment and our business partners. By making this clear in this document, it will be easier for us and others to judge how we are doing.
Legislation is the basis
We will comply with all applicable legislation with which we are concerned.
Against corruption
We do not accept corruption, bribery or illegal restriction of competition.
Against child labour
We do not use child labour and we do not accept raw materials, products or services where child labour has been used. By child labour, we mean work performed by children under the age of 15 that the child is forced to do or that prevents the child from attending school.
If it turns out that child labour has occurred with us or our suppliers, we first and foremost want to support the victims so that they do not suffer even more from the revelation of child labour. We will then check the supplier to ensure that child labour does not occur again, and if this does not work, we will discontinue all cooperation with that supplier. We will be transparent with our business partners and communicate our findings and actions.
We have and send the Iway standard to all our suppliers, self declaration documents are on the Iway perm. It is updated when we change suppliers. If we discover child labour at any subcontractor, we inform Ikea and add that supplier to the critical suppliers’ list, we follow up on them as mentioned above.
Good to work at Rahm’s biscuit factory
We want everyone who works at Rahm’s biscuit factory to enjoy their work and feel respected in every way. Anyone who feels mistreated themselves or who suspects that another member of staff is being mistreated, and violations of laws or this Code of Conduct, should be reported. Use the suggestion box or report to your immediate supervisor, if your supervisor is involved or unwilling, your line manager or Vice President. Or go through the trade union. No one should be discriminated against or penalised for reporting in good faith actual or suspected violations. Reports are treated confidentially.
Management is aware of risks and incidents in the workplace and pays attention to the well-being of staff on a daily basis to recognise if anything needs to be done.
No one working at Rahms Kexfabrik should be discriminated against on the basis of age, gender, ethnic background, religion, sexual orientation, disability, political opinion, marital status or parental status. We also do not accept physical, psychological or sexual harassment.
Rahms respects the right of employees to join associations and organisations and to organise themselves in trade unions and conclude collective agreements. Employees have acceptable employment conditions in terms of pay, working hours and leave.
Working time
AB Rahms Kexfabrik complies with national laws and regulations regarding working hours, overtime, holidays, public holidays and parental leave; overtime may not be requested on a regular basis.
Health and Safety
AB Rahms Kexfabrik shall provide a safe, secure and healthy working environment. The company shall take measures to reduce the risk of occupational accidents and injuries.
Necessary protective and safety equipment shall be provided by the company. First-aid boards shall be placed in the building in sufficient quantity, and defibrillators are also available in the company.
Education and training
All employees should receive regular training in first aid and CPR, as well as training in the specific elements of the job, such as forklift training.
Fire safety
Equipment shall be checked regularly. Functioning emergency exits shall be available and clearly signposted. All employees shall receive regular training.
Against alcohol and drugs
Alcohol and drugs must not be used in a way that affects work. This is first and foremost for personal safety, but product safety could also be affected.
Environmental policy
Rahm’s biscuit factory is committed to efficient resource management. Our biscuits depend on frying in palm oil to get the right flavour over a long shelf life. Since palm oil production is area efficient but at the same time associated with deforestation, we want to influence the development towards sustainable palm oil production and therefore use RSPO segregated palm oil since 2015. The long shelf life prevents the destruction of the manufactured condiments.
- All used frying oil is left for recycling.
- Krustad machines have air filters to remove harmful particles.
- Hazardous waste is sorted and left for proper disposal.
- We only use eco-labelled cleaning products.
Continuous improvement
Once a year, we review the content of our Code of Conduct to determine what improvements we can make.
Senior management commitment
Our Code of Conduct is important to us. Therefore, we want anyone who suspects that it is not being followed to bring it to our attention. It is best to speak to us directly, but if you are unsure and want to remain anonymous, go through someone you trust. We care and we want to be able to follow up and correct things that do not go right. The management of Rahm’s biscuit factory takes every suspicion seriously and investigates the causes (including root causes) to decide on measures to prevent it from happening again.
Anyone with suggestions and comments about our Code of Conduct is welcome to contact the Executive Director directly.
Line Eriksson Vice President / Head of Human Resources