Quality & Certification


Rahms kexfabrik AB purchases raw materials from audited suppliers and manufactures ready-to-eat croustades that are sold and distributed through agents to grocery stores and restaurants all over the world.

Rahm’s roustades are food-hygienically safe and always have clear information about contents, especially the allergens included. Quality is at the heart of our business. Since 2016, we are certified according to the Global standard for Food Safety (FSSC 22000). This quality management system ensures that we produce safe food with quality. Rahm’s biscuit factory complies with the requirements of food legislation and monitors all changes in legislation to act in good time.

In daily work, it is the responsibility of each employee to act responsibly by following our procedures and helping each other so that high food safety and quality are always maintained. Errors detected must either be corrected immediately or reported to the production manager and documented as an improvement measure. The policy is reviewed by management at least annually in our quest to always improve. Suggestions and comments from staff are therefore always welcome.

Adopted 2023-06-27

Kenny Eriksson CEO

“Our certifications are important to us as they facilitate all customer contact and sales to large customers. They get answers to all their questions about production safety just by seeing our certifications”

– Levent Tuncay, Production Manager at Rahms Biscuit Factory

Our Certificates